Monday, June 29, 2009


As the the days slouch on by and my time in limbo is almost, if not all, done, my eyes hungrily search for my hearts true and only desire. It starts with someone with a pen and ends with Pandora's box open waiting for my mind to consume and my soul to dream. So as I read over the words that make me feel like limbo is not all lost and childhood is still close by my side, I feel it all being new again. New as in the light of the winter and the songs of my summers.

Sometimes it's something silly, other times it's something interesting, but all the times it's something magical. Don't laugh at my desires. No, let me be someone for a day, someone to help me forget the looming gloom of adulthood. Let me immerse myself, for this one time. For just this last time. Let my eyes fall prey the seducing words, and let me forget just for today. Just for forever.

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